Well March was a very strange month indeed. As I mentioned earlier got off to a flying start, then hit a real bad run on the stars sngs to be down for the month, picked up again to get back to level, then with the help of a couple of bonuses from new sites I have joined and a 2nd in the laddies midday high stack the month turned out reasonably well. If I had had just an average month on the sngs it would have been a very good month, but hopefully the worst of it is behind me for a while. The good news is that I should finish the stars bonus in the next couple of weeks, then will probably move on to Mansion as I have $400 worth of bonuses to collect there.
Anyway here are my stats for March:-
Total Profit = $326.38
MTTs Played = 9
MTT Final Tables made = 2 (22.22%)
MTT in the Money = 7 (77.77%) - NB Includes FT's
MTT Total $ won = $ 142.61
MTT Profit = $54.09
SNG Played = 87
SNG Profit = $25
SNG ITM = 40.91%
Cash Profit/loss = $89.30
Syndi Profit/Loss $7.99
Bonus Earned:- $150
Overall profit for year is $1173.51, which actually puts me slightly behind the schedule I had set myself, but well up on this stage last year, so can't moan at the moment.
Looking at the MTT results, maybe I should be playing more of them again, but I have vowed to cut them down until I have finished my goal on stars. Will then see what happens then.
Straight To The Heart ❤️
1 year ago
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