Well actually, for a change it was cricket. Yesterday I went to see England in a test match for the first time at Edgbaston. Checking the BBC weather site before I left, showed that it was going to be showers all day, but being hard, I decided to still wear me shorts. But as good old Mr BBC is the man in the know, I did not take any sun cream etc. Of course, the sun shone all day and I now have a face like a beetroot, sore as fck, except of course where my sunglasses were, which is still white. Look like kung fu panda at the moment, which when I got back into the pub after the game, amused my drunken buddies no end !!
Still had a great day out, not too much beer in the ground as by 1pm, they had ran out of cider ffs...I was fuming, had to drink lager for the rest of the day, which to me, is only brewed as an emergency backup for the "real" mans drink that is my complex apple brew that is "the bow"
As normal, my presence jinxed the cricket, England started off great in the batting then needlessy cracked. Then got of to a decent start in the bowling to get us into a good position to win the match, but a great batting display by Graeme Smith, stopped what could of been a perfect day out. Still, just being there was good enough for me. The highlight of the whole day had to be seeing all the blokes in fancy dress. Even if you are not a cricket fan, I highly recommend going to a test match just for this alone. The best, to me, had to be about 10 blokes all dressed up as Amy Winehouse, all with the big black wigs, getting the whole of the one stand to sing Valerie, which I believe is one of her songs, was leaving us all in stiches. Nor far from us was the Village People, 7 blokes dresses up as the indian, policeman, motorbike cop, construction worker, the full works. Hats off to them, they looked great. The funniest thing was driving back in the taxi seeing 10 blokes walking down the road all dressed as Fredie Mercury, complete with skin tight lycra shorts and vest and big 70's black porn star moustaches, a truly frightening site indeed.
Thats enough of the fun stuff, now back to reality with Julys stats, quite a big losing month. Was about $400 down at the tables, so ended up about $90 down overall. Can't grumble, though, most of it was my own bad play. Had a good start to the month on Friday however, finishing almost two buyins up. The play this Friday on Crypto, was truly unbelievable, people calling river re raises all in for all there stacks with Ace High !! was truly muppetry of the highest proportions.
Just need another 500 points for the 2nd iPod now, hopefully have this done by weds night, then can change my priorities. However RakeTheRake are doing a promotion on interpoker for a video gadget that looks quite smart, very tempting that one, only 1000mpp over two months as well, could even do that in the background with 1-2 tables, not decided yet.
So looking ahead to a good month, a birthday month for me, so hoping for some nice pressies, even coming up to 41, I still get excited at the thought of opening a nice big pressie on me buffday, I guess some of us never grow up.
Feeling very positive about all things, so todays song is just a fun happy song with a great video.
RHCP - Dani California
Straight To The Heart ❤️
1 year ago
Whenever I burn it is always my frigging forhead and nose! I end up looking like a cross between Peter Schmeichel and a baboons arse!
And how dare they run out of cider? Lager is used for putting out BBQ's, soider rules the world!
Glad to see another "real" man reading my musings. Summer was made for drinking the old "winona" and winter was made for staying indoors getting pissed ;-)
That graph is the wrong way round you fish.
No shit Sherlock !! Careful with your comments matey, might drop in on a few of your tables and give your ROI a kick in the grufnuts and you won't even know its me ;-)
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