Thank God October has gone, it ended up being my worst month ever, the hill did not turn into a valley, it just got deeper and deeper. Its strange, I knew months like this last one are always going to happen due to the nature of the game, but I am not sure I was truly mentally prepared for it, I look back over my hands and all the leaks are glaringly obvious, some of the calls I have made in the cold light of day are awful, it is so obvious, I can't believe I did them. I think the main reason for the way I played was a combination of fear and chasing. The bad start made me scared to do all the things I know are right, 3 betting, double barreling in the right spots etc, however, I seemed to replace this with a lot of cold calling and calling bets light in the "hope" that I have my opponent beat, which in most of the cases, I was wrong. I stacked off too many times with TPGK, when I shouldn't really have been in the hand after the turn. I finished the month just under $600 down on the cash tables and $466 down overall, by far my worst month ever. So to rectify this, at 23:55, I left all my tables, reset my filters and spreadsheets, and after midnight I started again with new hope and a fresh outlook on the game. However, after 1/2 hour, I was already two buyins down after the following hands.
The first hand the opponent was taking some strange lines post flop and the Big Blind was 3 betting and squeezing almost every orbit, so I chose to flat call, hoping the big blind would re-pop it back up. The plan completely back fired and looking back his shove should of been an easy fold. The 2nd hand, I had him on an overpair or flush draw, so I was not getting away from that.
I have 18k hands now at 50NL 6max on NOIQ and I am 7 buyins down, running at about -1.8ptbb/100 which is obv not the 3ptbb I wanted to move up. My bankroll has now dropped to 4.8k and I didn't manage to obtain the fpps to move up to level 3 (green) but I will achieve that this month and hopefully even get to level 4 (blue)
Even with nothing going right at the tables, I feel strangely positive. I am going to increase the amount of hands I play, I have set a target of a minimum of 20k hands this month and my goal is to get back level ptbb. I have also decided that I am not going to move up a level until I have 100 buyins for that level (super nitty I know) or I happen to have 50+ buyins and run at 5ptbb/100 over 20k hands, which the way I am playing at the moment, is gonna take some hot run.
So this month, its all about doing something different, a bit like being in a new city for the first time..........
Hi dude, I feel your pain I've been grinding £20nl for 3 years now.
Dont worry I have now moved up and am finding £50nl a lot lot easier than £20 ever was.
Yeah, same here. Kinda a relief when things turn. :)
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