Playing at the moment while typing this, 6 buyins down. 4.5 of them I am happy with my decisions.
So, question. Should I still be playing. People say you should have a stop gap when you are losing. My stand on it, is if you start making bad decisions, only then should you stop. although, I can honestly say 1.5 buyins I lost were cos of tilt.
I am a very calm person, I control all of my anger and hide it inside. But does this just create a capped volcano awaiting to pop ?? Time will tell.
Sessions like tonight really do make you query why you do it. I think I am doing something fundamentally wrong at the level I am playing at. Someone with my experience should be able to beat this level quite comfortably. I have heard that some people when they move up find it easier, tempted to try this, but could be an expensive lesson.
Already wrote this month off, close to scrapping the years stats as when I look at them, they make me start thinking of what could of been. 5.5k up after 6 months of year and now only 6.2k up............
Just want to start a afresh next year, but why wait. Might just clear my stats and start now !!
Well maybe the weekend..............
If being a good player is Venus, this is how far I am away from it at this very moment (Courtesy of jat7065)
Straight To The Heart ❤️
1 year ago
last 6 months or so have been abit slow aint they :-(
BTW get yourself signed upto Raisetheriver m8. Im a mod on there atm and prolly soon to be admin. Gonna get some good little leagues and shit going soon. Its bascially a forum for bloggers. Sign up, write an intro post and mention me or summat, its a gd crack and will give ur blog more exposure and stuff
c u there fishay
your blog is very nice......
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