August sought of fizzled out a bit, I ended up playing a bit robotically and it showed in my results, going back to my old calling station routine. Was a decent month, but should of been my best this year, but it was not to be, but was still $660 up overall, which was originally my target per month at the start of the year, but that idea has gone up the swanny.
I am off work this week, so decided that this month was the perfect opportunity to grind out 40k hands plus and get the laddies VIP and some nice rakeback etc. I also chose the 1st sept to try out loads of new things in my game. What happened was the singlemost worse day of my poker life, I finished the day 13.5 buyins down. Yep you read it right, 13.5 DOWN !!! That was in approx 3.3k hands. The crazy thing is, it don't matter, I learnt a lot, yep expensive, but I did learn. It didn't help in the fact that every fooking muppet and he dog hit everything against me, I also lost about 5 buyins overall with some shocking calls for 25bb+ "just to see if my read was right" lol, well thats my excuse and I am sitting to it.
Had a lot of strange thoughts during this massacre, ranging from "ok, I am gonna get a coach and destroy this game" to "thats it, i'm taking all me money out of every fcking poker site and giving up" The latter one normally came when the fish hit there miracle two outer to stack me after I have played the hand perfectly.
Think I will however drop back to 4 tables from 6 for a while, mainly due to the fact that if I get a beat, I def find myself chasing on other tables to get it back, that prob contributed to a couple of buyins, I suppose it was tilt, but it didn't really feel like the adrenaline fuelled tilt that I have had in the past.
So I guess for now, I am still gonna grind it out, target for the month is to just break even now loooooool.
I've played you quite a bit on ladbrokes. You have some huge leaks. You're also a complete twat in chat, so it's good to see that your winrate is a lot lower than mine.
Interesting comment, I actually never chat at tables, although I have broken my rule cos of some shortstacking idiot gobshite called benwahballs. So unless you are him, I will assume this is just a jealous spam, post your laddies alias and I can look up some stats and see if you truly are the genius you say you are.
Yes my username is benwahballs and I'm glad my style tilts you because you are a prick. You are welcome to play me heads up any time.
Feel free to look up any stats you want, I've only played 45k hands at 10c/20c on ladbrokes so far but I'm already up over 1000 euros, not even counting rakeback. Good luck matching that winrate. Those hands were about half 30-50bb stacks and half 100bb stacks and I play both better than your pathetic nitty style. My overall bankroll is higher than yours too, even though I play a lot less these days, so whether I am a genius or not I am definitely a better poker player than you.
Yes, I have seen your stats and you are def a better player than me, I agree, I got nowt against you, its just that I hate short stacks. I just can't understand why you do shortstack.........
And yes, you are the only person I talk to cos you bite, trust me I don't tilt anymore, but if I can get someone else too I will. Its all part of the game ;-))
Fair enough. Yes I do bite if you like but I don't really tilt over chat, in some ways I find the chat helps me not tilt.
There are a few reasons why I sometimes shortstack but probably the main one is I find my winrate is only slightly less shortstacking than with 100bb+ but my variance is a lot lower and I find it less stressful. I have played far more hands with full stacks though and I may go back to only full stacking at some point, the shortstacking is kind of an experiment.
I realise a lot of regulars don't like it but to be honest if the regs don't like playing you it means you're probably do something right. I've always disagreed with all the "shortstacking is unethical" arguments myself anyway because most of it is just nonsense.
FWIW, I don't think you're terrible but you do have leaks.
I've played you quite a bit on ladbrokes. You have some huge leaks. You're also a complete twat in chat, so it's good to see that your winrate is a lot lower than mine.
Interesting comment, I actually never chat at tables, although I have broken my rule cos of some shortstacking idiot gobshite called benwahballs. So unless you are him, I will assume this is just a jealous spam, post your laddies alias and I can look up some stats and see if you truly are the genius you say you are.
Yes my username is benwahballs and I'm glad my style tilts you because you are a prick. You are welcome to play me heads up any time.
Feel free to look up any stats you want, I've only played 45k hands at 10c/20c on ladbrokes so far but I'm already up over 1000 euros, not even counting rakeback. Good luck matching that winrate. Those hands were about half 30-50bb stacks and half 100bb stacks and I play both better than your pathetic nitty style. My overall bankroll is higher than yours too, even though I play a lot less these days, so whether I am a genius or not I am definitely a better poker player than you.
Yes, I have seen your stats and you are def a better player than me, I agree, I got nowt against you, its just that I hate short stacks. I just can't understand why you do shortstack.........
And yes, you are the only person I talk to cos you bite, trust me I don't tilt anymore, but if I can get someone else too I will. Its all part of the game ;-))
See you at the tarbs fishboy ;-))
Fair enough. Yes I do bite if you like but I don't really tilt over chat, in some ways I find the chat helps me not tilt.
There are a few reasons why I sometimes shortstack but probably the main one is I find my winrate is only slightly less shortstacking than with 100bb+ but my variance is a lot lower and I find it less stressful. I have played far more hands with full stacks though and I may go back to only full stacking at some point, the shortstacking is kind of an experiment.
I realise a lot of regulars don't like it but to be honest if the regs don't like playing you it means you're probably do something right. I've always disagreed with all the "shortstacking is unethical" arguments myself anyway because most of it is just nonsense.
FWIW, I don't think you're terrible but you do have leaks.
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