Last week I planned to stay in and try and grind a minimum of 30 stts a day, however these plans seemed to go out the window and I ended up going out on the piss for 4 days out of the 7. This is obv not good for the health, finance or poker bankroll, in particular as I have been running well and winning, I could understand it if I was losing and looking for an excuse not to play, so not sure what that is all about. Must admit, I had some fun on the nights out but I really need to be a lot more disciplined if I want to have any chance of hitting any goals that I set.
Hopefully from tomorrow I will be able to put my head down and get some hours in at the tables and also get my arse back in the pool at lunchtimes at work and maybe even get back on the weights as everything seems to have shrunk...well except for me belly that is.
Looking at back on February as my first month back on the sngs, I have to be happy, my stats finished as per below:-
STTs Played = 393
ROI% = 11.0%
ITM% = 42.7
Winnings = $237.00
$/hr: = $4.39
All of the 393 tourneys were the $5.5 regular 9 man tourneys on stars. Overall I think I ran quite well, I had some sick sick beats, but to be fair, I gave a fair few out.
For March, as I have only played 9 stts so far this month, most of them at the $11s I intend to try and complete 400 for the month, mixing up the 5.5s and the 11s, then in April if all is going ok will be playing the 11s exclusively. I know for a fact that supernova is gonna be beyond me this year unless I really crank up the buyins and volume, but if all goes to plan, by the end of the year, I should have a bankroll whereby next year, I can put a real challenge in for supernova or even 200k supernova.
The house move has been put on hold as the house that we were really interested in has been sold and also, as expected, the valuation on our house was not as high as we would of hoped. We have therefore decided to stay put for the next two years and renovate our current house a bit more, starting with a new bathroom which we should be having done in the next few weeks. I'm not really into DIY, especially as I am shite at it, but I must admit, I am looking forward to changing a few things and putting more of our stamp on the house.
Back on the poker front, prob won't play any stts today, gonna try the $11 turbo muff fest to try and get into the stars $5million guaranteed in 15 minutes, hopefully muffing my way through that and having a good run later on. You never know, could be me driving the add first prize of the lambo soon :-)
Good Luck all who are in it and I hope if I can't take it down, someone I know can bink a biggie.
Nirvana - In Bloom
Straight To The Heart ❤️
1 year ago
thanks for the entertaining piece of reading, keep up the good work!
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